Now Enrolling!
If you would like more information or to request registration forms contact the school office at (816) 238-0281 or through the form at the bottom of the page.
St. James School 2020-21 Registration
Packets are available in the school office.
Grades K- 8 Registration
Please bring the following for registration:
- Completed Permanent Record Information
- Family Commitment Form & Family Covenant
- Financial Commitment Form (Choose 1 Form – Tuition or Tithing)
- Registration and Technology Fee (Early Bird Discount—if paid in full before May 1st)
- Volunteer Commitment Form
- Internet & Electronic Mail Permission Form
- Consent for Medication
Kindergarten and New Students will also need the following:
- Birth Certificate
- Updated Immunization Record
- Baptismal Certificate (if applicable--not required)
Preschool Registration
Please bring the following for registration:
- Completed Permanent Record Information
- Tuition Agreement
- Preschool Registration Fee of $60 for one child, $95 for 2 or more children (non-refundable)
- Birth Certificate
- Updated Immunization Record
- Internet & Electronic Mail Permission Form
Looking for more information or want to request a registration packet? Fill out the form below and we'll be in touch soon!
The tuition rate for the 2022-2023 school at the St. James Campus is $6375. The adjusted tuition rate for each family will be determined on a case-by-case basis in conjunction with parish administration. Tuition rates for the school year will be communicated each spring during our pre-registration process. Those who received their tuition cost in the spring of 2022 will retain that amount for the coming school year.