Philosophy of Saint James School
Saint James School is a vital part of the Catholic Educational System of the Kansas City-St. Joseph Diocese.
Saint James has as its priority to teach the Gospel message, to build community, and to serve the human community through prayer, worship, and social action. It is essential that the school provide these opportunities for its students in an atmosphere of trust, enthusiasm, and general concern for every child. The practice of this philosophy is Saint James’s contribution toward developing a fuller Christian family life, responsible citizenry, a caring society, global moral consciousness, and an environment in which the pursuit of peace and justice is recognized as the norm for daily living and interaction with others.
Goals of Saint James School
Our prime objective is to provide learning experiences that will develop persons strong in faith and knowledgeable of their faith. It is the purpose of the Saint James faculty and staff to achieve this objective in the following manner:
- To develop an awareness that each child is a unique individual and has the ability to develop his/her own potential;
- To teach personal responsibility, acceptance, respect, charity, and social justice to one another through classroom opportunities, as well as through the example of each faculty member;
- To provide an adequate, sequential curriculum enabling the faculty to develop excellence in academics;
- To create an atmosphere of trust, enthusiasm, and awareness that will promote the growth of a healthy self-concept.
Saint James School is accredited by the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI) and the Missouri Chapter of the National Federation of State Non-Public Schools Accrediting Association. A yearly self-evaluation is conducted as well as a five-year assessment by an evaluation team.