Dear Community of St. James,


The Lord continues to bless us each and every day in our wonderful school. Despite the cold temperatures, we continue to learn, have fun, and grow in the Faith together. On the academic front, I am overjoyed to report that we have made real, measurable progress. Since the beginning of the year, our National Percentile Rank has gone up 11 points in reading and 13 points in math. Mixed in with solid teaching and learning, we continue to have good, old-fashioned fun! Our second through fifth graders recently went on a trip to the Missouri Theater to see a production of Willy Wonka. It was extra-special for our students, since Mrs. Cotter and her fourth grader Moira were both involved in the show! Of course, our solid foundation for all of this success is Jesus Christ. We had a precious experience at a recent All School Mass, which showed that St. James is a place of conversion: Madalynn Murphy-Chavez received the Sacrament of Baptism! All of our students and teachers were present to pray for her and to applaud her entry into the Church. None of this would be possible without the generous support of so many parents and parish members. Thank you all for your unwavering help. We will strive to do our part and finish strong before summer begins!




James Hosler

Dean of School

Saint James Catholic School

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