The year is off to a great start in our school. Everyone is getting into a productive rhythm as we get used to the schedule and get over the back-to-school bustle. It has been most fulfilling for me to see us all back in Mass again as a school. Our students are so well behaved in church! (As an aside, if you have never seen it for yourself, I invite you to join us at 8am on any Wednesday for an All School Mass. I promise it really is a special experience!)

Our most important "to-do" at the moment is the auction, which will take place the evening of Saturday, October 21. Table and individual reservations are available now--more information is on the back of the insert in the week's bulletin. It's our biggest fundraiser of the year, and many selfless volunteers work many hours to bring it all together. THANK YOU to all of them, especially Christina Green, this year's Chair of the Auction Committee. The money raised at the auction is extremely important for the operation of our school. We appreciate your support, and look forward to seeing you there for good company, food, and fun!

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Meet The Teachers

Meet our new teachers for Seventh Grade and Preschool!

Mrs. Tori D'Arcangelis, 7th Grade

Education: BA, Elementary Education, Benedictine College

Family: Married to Michael December 2019...Read more

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